The Frames are still, unfortunately, not very well known 'round these parts. When people have heard of them, it's usually as the band with that guy from that movie.
Roberto, over at Voices from the Moon, posted a bunch of their stuff a couple weeks back. That reminded me that the one post I did on them ages ago no longer has valid links. So, I figured it was time to put up another batch of b-side goodies.
(files expired)
The Frames - "The Dancer" (acoustic version) Taken from their first ep, Turn On Your Record Player. The regular version is on the long out-of-print (though it can be downloaded from itunes) debut album, Another Love Song.
The Frames - "Stamp My Name" B-side of "The Dancer" single.
The Frames - "Nixxi Focal" An odd little instrumental from the "Masquerade" single. Completely unlike anything else I've ever heard from them.
The Frames - "Roger" This was on the original version of their second album, Fitzcaraldo, but was replaced with "Evergreen" on the more common version.
The Frames - "One Irish Rover" A hold-over from my first post. I had to put it up again. I love this song. Featuring a guest appearance from Hothouse Flower Liam O'Maonlai. From the "Revelate" single.
The Frames - "Raglan Road" A traditional song recorded for the Liss Ard, Vol. 1 compilation. (has there ever been a vol. 2?)
Buy some of The Frames albums:
Another Love Song, 1992
Fitzcaraldo, 1996
Dance the Devil. . . , 1999
For the Birds, 2001 (buy)
Breadcrumb Trail, 2002 (Ireland & Czech Republic-only live album)
The Roads Outgrown, 2003 (buy) (US-only b-side comp)
Set List, 2003 (buy) (live)
Burn the Maps, 2004 (buy)
The Cost, 2006 (buy) (a Deluxe Edition is available from iTunes with extra tracks)
I'm also putting in the coments section a list of the rarities that I've never been able to hunt down (the ones I know of, anyway). If anyone has any of them, and would like to thank me for all the hard work. . .
Roberto, over at Voices from the Moon, posted a bunch of their stuff a couple weeks back. That reminded me that the one post I did on them ages ago no longer has valid links. So, I figured it was time to put up another batch of b-side goodies.
(files expired)
The Frames - "The Dancer" (acoustic version) Taken from their first ep, Turn On Your Record Player. The regular version is on the long out-of-print (though it can be downloaded from itunes) debut album, Another Love Song.
The Frames - "Stamp My Name" B-side of "The Dancer" single.
The Frames - "Nixxi Focal" An odd little instrumental from the "Masquerade" single. Completely unlike anything else I've ever heard from them.
The Frames - "Roger" This was on the original version of their second album, Fitzcaraldo, but was replaced with "Evergreen" on the more common version.
The Frames - "One Irish Rover" A hold-over from my first post. I had to put it up again. I love this song. Featuring a guest appearance from Hothouse Flower Liam O'Maonlai. From the "Revelate" single.
The Frames - "Raglan Road" A traditional song recorded for the Liss Ard, Vol. 1 compilation. (has there ever been a vol. 2?)
Buy some of The Frames albums:
Another Love Song, 1992
Fitzcaraldo, 1996
Dance the Devil. . . , 1999
For the Birds, 2001 (buy)
Breadcrumb Trail, 2002 (Ireland & Czech Republic-only live album)
The Roads Outgrown, 2003 (buy) (US-only b-side comp)
Set List, 2003 (buy) (live)
Burn the Maps, 2004 (buy)
The Cost, 2006 (buy) (a Deluxe Edition is available from iTunes with extra tracks)
I'm also putting in the coments section a list of the rarities that I've never been able to hunt down (the ones I know of, anyway). If anyone has any of them, and would like to thank me for all the hard work. . .
Hey man sorry to hear about your job loss. Let's hope you will be back working and regularly blogging again.
I found this old Frames fansie with lots of mp3s:
Thanks for the link, Peter.
These are still missing from my collection:
The Wolf Song
Perfect Opening Line (demo)
Angel At My Table 4-song demo ep
The Stars are Underground (acoustic)
Precarious Aiming
Roads Outgrown
The Waiting Room
Me & My Boyfriend
How Many Times
Sideways Down (alt)
Pian Agus Ciunas
Fake (acoustic)
Yeah, some of these are still available on singles that are in print, but hell I just lost my job, so I'm playing the sympathy card.
thanks so much for all your time with this blog...very appreciated.. love the hard to find songs & info..thx again from Canada
hey man,
cheers for raglan road spent yyears trying to get the studio version....
if you go to http://internettrash.com/users/tyrant414/theframesmp3.htm
you'll find a load of the demo/older tracks on your list!!
I have some of the newer ones on CD I'll try and root them out for ya!!
slán go fóill,
I can't thank you enough for the link. Looks like some of the files are dead, but I did get a few things I knew I needed - and several I didn't even know could be had.
That demo version of "Revelate" is amazing!
Yeah, theres a lot of files that have died over the years!! The whole fansite fiasco seemed to die out once that era of students graduated college, so they never went back to maintain the sites!!
but there are a few Gems in that site!! make sure to keep passin them on!!
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