So, without giving you a bunch of background info, here’s a mess of slightly harder to find songs not included on his first few solo albums, or the subsequent remasters:
(files expired)
Peter Gabriel - “Strawberry Fields Forever” (The Beatles cover) Recorded for the documentary All This and World War II. As much as I love his work, I find this particular track annoying, but that’s my opinion.
Robert Fripp and Peter Gabriel - “Here Comes the Flood” (alternate version) This is neither the original album version, nor the re-recorded version from Shaking The Tree. This one’s taken from Fripp’s album Exposure.
Peter Gabriel - “Me and My Teddy Bear” B-Side of the “D.I.Y.” single.
Peter Gabriel - “Intruder” (instrumental demo) It’s an instrumental demo.
Peter Gabriel - “Ken and the Wheel” (demo) Also an instrumental demo from the sessions for the third album.
Peter Gabriel - “Shosholoza” B-Side of the “I Don‘t Remember“ single.
Peter Gabriel - “Soft Dog” B-Side of “Shock the Monkey” single.
Peter Gabriel - “Walk Through the Fire” From the Against All Odds soundtrack, which also featured fellow Genesis alum Phil Collins on the title track.
Laurie Anderson with Peter Gabriel - “Excellent Birds” From Laurie’s album Mister Heartbreak. Later re-recorded and re-titled “This Is the Picture” and released on Peter’s So cd and cassette (but not vinyl).
...and an addition: Peter Gabriel - "Don't Break This Rhythm" B-side of the "Sledgehammer" single.
Eventually I’ll post some of his later stuff, if anyone’s interested.
Peter Gabriel solo discography:
Peter Gabriel, 1977 (buy) (aka I or Car)
Peter Gabriel, 1978 (buy) (aka II or Scratch)
Peter Gabriel, 1980 (buy) (aka III or Melt)
Peter Gabriel, 1982 (buy) (aka IV or Security)
Plays Live, 1983 (buy "highlights" remaster) (live)
Birdy Soundtrack, 1985
So, 1986 (buy)
Passion, 1989 (buy) (soundtrack to The Last Temptation of Christ)
Us, 1992 (buy)
Secret World Live, 1994 (buy) (live)
OVO, 2000 (buy)
Long Walk Home, 2002 (soundtrack to Rabbit-Proof Fence)
Up, 2002 (buy)
Nice post. I had not seen many of these B-Sides before.
I've got to pick up "I Go Swimming" somewhere ... about the only song I really need off of the "Plays Live" CD.
Thanks again.
I lost my vinyl copy of Plays Live in a move, or I'd help you out.
Thanks for the comment.
Thanks a lot for this.
I've been looking intermittently for Me And My Teddy Bear for years now, so I was delighted to find that; I also think the version of Here Comes The Flood you've posted is the best, though I'd be happy to discuss the merits of them all : - ).
Now if I could just find Velvet Soup somewhere ....
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